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Conference: European Cultural Memory in its Digitalization - Inventing Cultural Memory in the 21st Century?

Bibliographic Hints

Aiginger, Karl, und Heinz Handler. „European Identity Politics“. Research in Applied Economics 12, Nr. 2 (31. Mai 2020): 1–23.
Alba, E., M. Gaitán, A. León, J. Sevilla, Á. Solbes, und V. Pla. „Technological Tools for the Conservation and Dissemination of Valencian Design Archives“. Heritage 6, Nr. 9 (2023): 6066–96.
„Alina Bothe“, September 2018.
Apaydin, Veysel. Critical Perspectives on Cultural Memory and Heritage. Apaydin, Veysel. UCL Press, o. J.
Bonde Thylstrup, Nanna. „Cultural Memory in the Digital Age“, In: Golo Föllmer, Alexander Badenoch (Hg.): Transnationalizing Radio Research: New Approaches to an Old Medium., 2018.
Borin, E., und F. Donato. „Financial Sustainability of Digitizing Cultural Heritage: The International Platform Europeana“. Journal of Risk and Financial Management 16, Nr. 10 (2023).
Borz, Gabriela, Heinz Brandenburg, und Carlos Mendez. „The Impact of EU Cohesion Policy on European Identity: A Comparative Analysis of EU Regions“. European Union Politics 23, Nr. 2 (1. Juni 2022): 259–81.
Börzel, Tanja A., und Thomas Risse. „Identity Politics, Core State Powers and Regional Integration: Europe and Beyond“. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 58, Nr. 1 (2020): 21–40.
Capurro, Carlotta. „Digitality as a Cultural Policy Instrument: Europeana and the Europeanisation of Digital Heritage“. In Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe, herausgegeben von Rodney Harrison, Nélia Dias, und Kristian Kristiansen, 223–42. London: UCL Press, 2023.
Capurro, Carlotta, Gertjan Plets, und Jaap Verheul. „Digital heritage infrastructures as cultural policy instruments: Europeana and the enactment of European citizenship“. International Journal of Cultural Policy 0, Nr. 0 (2023): 1–21.
Centre, UNESCO World Heritage. „Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage“. UNESCO World Heritage Centre. Zugegriffen 18. Januar 2024.
Chalcraft, Jasper. „Making heritage cosmopolitan“, o. J.
Cross, Mai’a K. Davis. „Identity Politics and European Integration“. Herausgegeben von Jeffrey Checkel, Peter Katzenstein, Adrian Favell, Neil Fligstein, und Thomas Risse. Comparative Politics 44, Nr. 2 (2012): 229–46.
Delanty, Gerard. The European Heritage A Critical Re-Interpretation, o. J.
During, Roel. „Cultural Heritage Discourses and Europeanisation“, 2010.
„European Commission Report on Cultural Heritage: Digitisation, Online Accessibility and Digital Preservation | Shaping Europe’s Digital Future“, 12. Juni 2019.
Fadeeva, L. A. „Politics of Memory and Identity in the European Union: Related Concepts, Disparate Practices“. Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 92, Nr. 13 (Dezember 2022): S1289–97.
Fortunati and Lamberti, Vita and Elena. „Cultural Memory: A European Perspective“. In Cultural Memory Studies. De Gruyter, 2010.
Galani, Areti, Mason, Rhiannon, Arrigoni, Gabi. European Heritage, Dialogue and Digital Practices. Routledge, o. J.
Geismar, Haidy. Museum Object Lessons for the Digital Age. UCL Press, 2018.
Graham and Howard, Brian and Peter. The Routledge Research Companion to Heritage and Identity, o. J.
Harrison, Rodney, Nélia Dias, und Kristian Kristiansen, Hrsg. Critical Heritage Studies and the Futures of Europe. London: UCL Press, 2023.
Hastik, Canan. Knowledge Design of Digital Subcultural Heritage: Heuristics from Curating Creativity, Aesthetics and Culture of the Demoscene. Schriften Zur Informationswissenschaft, Band 75. Glückstadt: vwh, Verlag Werner Hülsbusch, Fachverlag für Medientechnik und -wirtschaft, 2022.
Haux, Dominice, Raspotnig, Dario Henri, Antoignette Maget, Jana Alexandra. „A Cultural Memory of The Digital Age?“ International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 34 (2020): 769–82.
Heritage and Beyond. Council of Europe publishing., 2009.
Innocenti, Perla. Cultural Networks in Migrating Heritage Intersecting Theories and Practices across Europe. Routledge, 2015.
Interreg Europe. „Digital solutions in the field of cultural heritage - Policy brief“, August 2018.
Kansteiner, Wulf. „Transnational Holocaust Memory, Digital Culture and the End of Reception Studies“. In The Twentieth Century in European Memory, 305–43, 2017.
Kisic, Visnja. Governing heritage dissonance, 2013.
Knellessen, Dagi, Ralf Possekel, und Verantwortung und Zukunft Stiftung Erinnerung, Hrsg. Zeugnisformen: Berichte, künstlerische Werke und Erzählungen von NS‑Verfolgten. Bildungsarbeit mit Zeugnissen / Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft (EVZ), Band 1. Berlin: Stiftung „Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft“ (EVZ), 2015.
Kuhn, Theresa. „Grand theories of European integration revisited: does identity politics shape the course of European integration?“ Journal of European Public Policy 26, Nr. 8 (3. August 2019): 1213–30.
Kundnani, Hans. „‘The Eurocentric Fallacy’: The Myths That Underpin European Identity“. The Guardian, 17. August 2023, Abschn. World news.
Lähdesmäki, Hrsg. Dissonant Heritages and Memories in Contemporary Europe, 2019.
„Legitimation of European Cultural Heritage and the Dynamics of Identity Politics in the EU \textbar EUROHERIT Project \textbar Fact Sheet \textbar H2020“. CORDIS \textbar European Commission. Zugegriffen 22. Januar 2024.
Mäkinen, Katja, und Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus. „Struggle and banality of belonging to Europe. Cultural Europeanization from the perspective of the Central and East European citizens“. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 0, Nr. 0 (2023): 1–13.
———. „Struggle and banality of belonging to Europe. Cultural Europeanization from the perspective of the Central and East European citizens“. Journal of Contemporary European Studies 32, Nr. 2 (2. April 2024): 321–33.
„Making History: Crafting a Shared Cultural Identity in Europe“. CORDIS \textbar European Commission. Zugegriffen 22. Januar 2024.
Manca, S., und M. Passarelli. „Social Media as Lieux for the Convergence of Collective Trajectories of Holocaust Memory—A Study of Online Users in Germany and Italy“. Heritage 6, Nr. 9 (2023): 6377–96.
Mandolessi, Silvana. „Memory in the Digital Age“. Open Research Europe, 2024.
Muñoz, Jordi-Jesús. „Intercultural Europe: Cultural Diversity in the EU and the Debate on a Common European Cultural Identity“. Papeles de Europa 30, Nr. 2 (2017): 149–61.
———. „Intercultural Europe: Cultural Diversity in the EU and the Debate on a Common European Cultural Identity“. Papeles de Europa 30, Nr. 2 (2017): 149–61.
Parrinello, S., und F. Picchio. „Digital Strategies to Enhance Cultural Heritage Routes: From Integrated Survey to Digital Twins of Different European Architectural Scenarios“. Drones 7, Nr. 9 (2023).
„Poly-Space: Creating New Concepts through Reflexive Team Ethnography \textbar H2020“. CORDIS \textbar European Commission. Zugegriffen 22. Januar 2024.
Saurugger, Sabine, und Mark Thatcher. „Constructing the EU’s Political Identity in Policy Making“. Comparative European Politics 17, Nr. 4 (August 2019): 461–76.
———. „Constructing the EU’s Political Identity in Policy Making“. Comparative European Politics 17, Nr. 4 (1. August 2019): 461–76.
Smith, Bernard. „Digital Heritage and Cultural Content in Europe“. In Museum International, Bd. 14. Heritage issues in the information society 4. Blackwell, 2002.
Smith, Laurajane. Uses of Heritage. London: Routledge, 2006.
Stainforth, Elisabeth. „Collective Memory or the Right to Be Forgotten? Cultures of Digital Memory and Forgetting in the European Union“. Memory Studies 15, Nr. 2 (2021).
Stainforth, Elizabeth. „From Museum to Memory Institution: The Politics of European Culture Online“. Museum and Society 14, Nr. 2 (2016): 323–37.
„Strategic Framework for the EU’s Cultural Policy \textbar Culture and Creativity“. Zugegriffen 22. Januar 2024.
Tekiner, Ugur. „The ‘European (Union) Identity’: An Overview“. E-International Relations, April 2020.
———. „The ‘European (Union) Identity’: An Overview“. E-International Relations (blog), 15. April 2020.
Tsipi, L., D. Vouyioukas, G. Loumos, A. Kargas, und D. Varoutas. „Digital Repository as a Service (D-RaaS): Enhancing Access and Preservation of Cultural Heritage Artifacts“. Heritage 6, Nr. 10 (2023): 6881–6900.
Turcanu-Carutiu, Daniela, Hrsg. Heritage - New Paradigm, 2022.
Varnienė-Janssen, Regina. „Strategy on Long-Term Preservation of Lithuanian Cultural Heritage, Current and Future Projects“, 2007.
Velhinho, Almeida, Ana, Pedro. „The Legacy of Collective Memory in Digital Culture: Digitisation, Cultural Mapping and Co-Creation“. Design e Comunicação: Desafios e Dilemas Do Digital 43 (2023).
Voicu, Malina, und Ioana Ramia. „European Identity: An Analysis of Measurement Equivalence Across Countries and Mode of Data Collection in the European Values Survey 2017/2018“. Social Indicators Research 154, Nr. 3 (April 2021): 815–34.
———. „European Identity: An Analysis of Measurement Equivalence Across Countries and Mode of Data Collection in the European Values Survey 2017/2018“. Social Indicators Research 154, Nr. 3 (1. April 2021): 815–34.
Yasseri, Gildersleve, David, Taha, Patrick, Lea. „Chapter 9 - Collective Memory in the Digital Age“. Progress in Brain Research 274, Nr. 1 (2022): 203–26.
Zaagsma, Gerben. „Digital History and the Politics of Digitization“. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, September 2022, fqac050.